fresh poultry
Avril Bleh & Sons Meat Market & Deli carries Gerber's Amish Farm Chicken which are raised without antibiotics throughout their life. They receive no antibiotics and no growth hormones in the feed, the water or even the egg... ever. Located in the heart of the Ohio's Amish Country, Gerber Poultry produces and processes a truly all natural, antibiotic free chicken. The chickens are raised on Amish family farms with plenty of room to roam. Their diet consists of the highest quality vegetarian feed. For more information about Gerber's Amish Farm chicken, click on their logo and discover why we carry this locally sourced poultry product.
Avril Bleh offers whole chickens, quartered chickens, smoked chicken, chicken legs, chicken wings and boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
Give us a call and we'll have your order ready for you when you arrive.
p. 513.241.2433